Friday, November 16, 2012

Pretty Organization Inspiration

Motivation is the single ingredient for which no amount of knowledge can compensate.  Occasionally (definitely not often enough) I review my top priorities.  I usually have things in mind but keeping healthy is always on my list.  So despite being up past midnight at the Twilight premier with some friends.   So in the vain of practice what you preach, I will be having some quality time on the treadmill this evening. 


Each year I think, I need to keep better track of my expenses, mileage, and paper work.  I have missed out on some reimbursements/discounts and other fun things because of a lack of organization.  I know what I should do, but I haven’t been doing it consistently.  I bought this book because it was colorful, fun and it in no way pretended that I was going to get completely organized in 7 days or even in 31 days.  Don’t get me wrong, in a month we can all create some great habits to get us started but lasting change is an ongoing process. 
 Organize Now! is a book by Jennifer Ford Berry-Check out her chapters on Organizing Yourself (focusing on priorities which include getting healthy as a top priority). 

I had a client come in telling me that they already knew everything that they were supposed to do to lose weight.  My question then becomes “If you have the knowledge, then what do you feel is stopping you from doing the things you know will help you meet your goal?”  I had to apply that to myself, and one of my reasons it that it’s overwhelming, tedious and boring.  This brings me back to the book of inspiration.  I respond to things visually and I need things to look pretty in order for it to keep my attention.  Reading running magazines get me motivated to run and by the same token, organizing books give me motivation to organize.  I am proud that I already completed several of the tasks assigned by the book.  For instance, I already turned a rarely used closet into a small office which will be the designated detention center for all paperwork entering my home.  I’m also making home homemade file boxes covered in beautiful fabric to keep things from getting dull.  If I have to look at it each month, it might as well look great in my home.  With the extra time I can save by being organized, I’ll go running.

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