Friday, December 7, 2012

Food Doesn't Equal Love

We're full swing into the holiday season and the opportunity for making unhealthful food choices abound.  Cakes, Pies, Oh My...Oh My. 

Tonight, several friends and I will be making homemade tamales.  This will be my second time making tamales and it's going to be a great evening and we will all be rewarded with tamales to take home to either freeze or enjoy.  I'm intending to spread the wealth - in other words - I plan to share these by incorporating them into the Christmas Crafting day that will take place this weekend.  Now, for me, not overindulging in tamales is easy since I'm not a fan of pork and it's just not my favorite food.  But the simple act of cooking for people, baking and delivery large boxes of food stuffs can be viewed as an economical way to demonstrate the "we think of you and appreicate you" sentiment during the holidays.  The downside is that these extra treats and goodies may not actually be supporting those we love with their own health goals. 

If our friends has a weekness for cupcakes, why not just include one(1)- I repeat- 1 cupcake among a basket of other equally valued non-food gifts.  Let's continue to support each other in our healthful eating during the holidays.  With that said, I have one client that has the goal of not indulging through the holiday season except for her main meals on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.  There are so many ways we can set goals and stick to healthful eating at this time of year but it definitely takes some planning ahead.  In fact, this weekend's Christmas crafting even was specifically planned to make some non-food gifts and to work on some holiday projects.  It's a great way to enjoy company without food being the core of our social world.

I hope everyone is enjoying their family and holidays.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Beef Bourginon

Oh how romantic the sound of this dish.  I have looked at several recipes but the sheer beauty of the one I found on the ladyinfrance’s site was by far the most difficult to ignore.  As you may know, bacon isn’t really my friend (SHOCKING!) but I have included it in some recipes although I cannot imagine using a cup of rendered bacon for any recipe.  As per my usual, I will make my own modifications in the interest of health and my own personal preferences. 


I have lean beef perfect for roasting in the crock pot, baby portabella mushrooms, carrots, thyme and bay leaves from my garden.  Real butter and bacon will still have a role but in much smaller quantities than featured in the original recipe.  My favorite part will be the aroma that is bound to welcome me home tomorrow evening.  Oh the joy of a slow cooker, I will get the initial browning of the meat and flour dredging started in the morning and then throw everything except the mushrooms into the slow cooker before I head off to work so that, after a day of work, I will have a wonderful meal awaiting.  The mushrooms get to be added last and if I’m lucky enough to have a house guest, they can add the final touch of the mushrooms for the last stages of cooking.  While pasta is a traditional accompaniment to this stew, I'm going to serve it with some homemade crusty bread.


If this recipe is as successful as I anticipate, it will be a favorite winter inspiration.  After all, what could go wrong with beef, red wine and portabella mushrooms?

Healthful but NOT Boring

This week's healthy cooking night will include Stuffed Squash and Molten Chocolate Cake. The stuffed squash features acorn squash, roasted acorn squash seeds, lean turkey seasoned with bounty from the garden such as sage and cayenne. A splattering of goat cheese is bound to combine with the filling to fill the kitchen with a most heavenly scent. It's not a quick recipe but that was the tradeoff for not purchasing pre-seasoned turkey sausage. The turkey sausage requires the lean turkey meat and seasonings to marry for 8-24 hours. The squash and seeds will take about an hour of oven time so the cost savings and wholesomeness is paid in the form of time.

I love how my kitchen has returned back to basics in terms of eliminating most processed and convenience food ingredients. The garden herbs definitely save me a great deal of shopping around as well as money. The chocolate cake will be a well-deserved completion of the meal. I kept the entree jam packed with vegetables in order to save the carbohydrate to come in the form of a great dessert. The basic combination of baking chocolate, powdered sugar, eggs (better than organic since they are supplied by my personal urban farm connections), flour and butter yield a special end to the meal. Since the dessert involves a few minutes of assembly and less than 20 minutes of baking it's something that can be done while the guests enjoy the entree portion of the meal. To make a simple dessert truly noteworthy, there will be some fresh whipped cream which will be made all the more decadent by the addition of either Kahlua or amaretto. I'll definitely be posting any recipes that receive the thumbs up from the group.

Healthful eating doesn't have to be boring or expensive.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Have you had your polydimethylsiloxane today?

Chemicals, n: Noxious substances from which modern foods are made. ~Author Unknown

This should not = HORROR SHOW 

So Proposition 37 – a piece of state legislation (apparently our congressmen at the Federal level do not find this a profitable cause) in California was defeated after food companies spending reportedly almost $50 million to defeat this piece of legislation.  Proposition 37 represents a movement in truth in labeling where food companies would have to disclose if their product contains genetically modified foods (GMOs).  For those wondering why this would even be a debate, food companies potentially profit from a poorly informed customer.  As if bacon wasn’t horrible enough, imagine a strip, or 10, of bacon made not from slaughtering a pig but genetically grown from the stem cell of swine.  There are people to argue both sides of the debate and creators of this product are arguing it’s “green” friendliness for vegans or those against slaughter houses.  I have one word for everyone to remember – margarine.  Margarine represents a manmade product that was once believed to lead to the cure to our leading killer – heart disease.  Consumers now know what scientist soon discovered and that is that margarine was not the glamorous product it was originally thought to be and it’s now joined the clearance aisle of grocery stores. 

In an age where,

“Sports drinks” are not considered neither a food nor a drug or beverage,

Wheat is the Anti-Christ,

Supplements are seen as a replacement for food,

Protein is a powder,

Going on a hike is considered insane but practicing tire lifting is considered useful,

Marijuana legalization has a higher priority than food legislation,

It has become more and more difficult to distinguish between advertising and information. 

I now make my own yogurt, homemade bread for the family, sometimes homemade pasta because it’s become the best way for me to know that I’m getting real food at a reasonable price rather than a chemist’s concoction.


In the words of a previous student, now colleague:

I trust a cow more than a chemist.  Kallie Waldrip

Monday, November 19, 2012

Positive Feedback

Not only did I do great with my 11 cups of water mission but today’s happy happy moment was a weight that was 5 pounds lighter (and this was after breakfast) than when I started my most recent healthful eating plan.  This was just the motivation I needed for my run training plan.  I will probably not pay to exercise as I do with triathlons but I have a friend that is more than willing to join me in a mock triathlon.  If all goes well, I will have a good sized group formed for a weekly health night (scale optional).  All the home cooking has been wonderful. 
Yesterday, I experimended with homemade chili powder (recipe below).
Homemade Chili Powder
3 dried Cayenne Peppers
3 cloves Garlic (can substitute an equal amount dry garlic powder)
2 tablespoons dried Oregano
2 teaspoons Cumin Seed
I added all the ingredients to a mini-food processor and blended until smooth.  The oregano and cayenne peppers came from my garden so it's the best in terms of being green friendly.


Sunday, November 18, 2012

11 Cups

The Basics

1) Most people need 6-12 cups of water per day.

2) ½ cup of additional water for every 15-30 minutes of physical activity.

3) Feeling thirst is a sign that the body has started the process of dehydration.

11 Cups

…of water that is. I was playing around with the Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI) site for professionals and that’s the result for how much water I would need. The site adjusts for gender, weight and physical activity for providing a recommendation based on the DRI for key nutrients which include the ever beneficial water. There are many calculations for estimating how much fluid you should have each day and one is not necessarily better than another. It would be counterproductive to argue that there is no consensus as to the amount of water to drink each day as the most important factor is that the science supports that WATER IS NECESSARY. Individuals who do not stay hydrated are prone to health problems and dehydration can also complicate chronic and acute conditions. So slurp, guzzle,

The link is for those wanting to get into the details of various nutritional requirements.
The Basics

1)Most people need 6-12 cups of water per day.

2)½ cup of additional water for every 15-30 minutes of physical activity.

3)Feeling thirst is a sign that the body has started the process of dehydration.

Friday, November 16, 2012

No More Twinkies: Unions and the Death of Hostess

No More Twinkies: Unions and the Death of Hostess

Pretty Organization Inspiration

Motivation is the single ingredient for which no amount of knowledge can compensate.  Occasionally (definitely not often enough) I review my top priorities.  I usually have things in mind but keeping healthy is always on my list.  So despite being up past midnight at the Twilight premier with some friends.   So in the vain of practice what you preach, I will be having some quality time on the treadmill this evening. 


Each year I think, I need to keep better track of my expenses, mileage, and paper work.  I have missed out on some reimbursements/discounts and other fun things because of a lack of organization.  I know what I should do, but I haven’t been doing it consistently.  I bought this book because it was colorful, fun and it in no way pretended that I was going to get completely organized in 7 days or even in 31 days.  Don’t get me wrong, in a month we can all create some great habits to get us started but lasting change is an ongoing process. 
 Organize Now! is a book by Jennifer Ford Berry-Check out her chapters on Organizing Yourself (focusing on priorities which include getting healthy as a top priority). 

I had a client come in telling me that they already knew everything that they were supposed to do to lose weight.  My question then becomes “If you have the knowledge, then what do you feel is stopping you from doing the things you know will help you meet your goal?”  I had to apply that to myself, and one of my reasons it that it’s overwhelming, tedious and boring.  This brings me back to the book of inspiration.  I respond to things visually and I need things to look pretty in order for it to keep my attention.  Reading running magazines get me motivated to run and by the same token, organizing books give me motivation to organize.  I am proud that I already completed several of the tasks assigned by the book.  For instance, I already turned a rarely used closet into a small office which will be the designated detention center for all paperwork entering my home.  I’m also making home homemade file boxes covered in beautiful fabric to keep things from getting dull.  If I have to look at it each month, it might as well look great in my home.  With the extra time I can save by being organized, I’ll go running.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

A Little Inspiration

When I was a young college student, I turned my parent’s travel trailer into an apartment.  It was parked in their huge back yard.  It was a large Coachman trailer that I’m sure they no longer produce.  It wasn’t one of the new lines of lightweight trailers or RVs that dominate the market nowadays.  It would sleep 8-10 but for those couple of years, it was all mine.  I had one area set up as a bed full time.  It was perfectly situated for feeling the heater at night during the winter.  At times, I would use my appointed childhood bed which was the top bunk at the rear of the trailer and that location was my favorite reading spot in the summer since it got a lot of the air conditioning from the ceiling mounted air conditioner.  I had an area (what was intended to be the large dining/entertaining area) as my study area.  It was surrounded by windows and had a surface that was perfect for storing my books when they weren’t in use.  It was my own little sanctuary.  Now, 20 years later, I remember the beauty of the structure in my life during those years.  My niece is about to graduate from high school and I hope that she finds an equally welcome sanctuary in which for her to start her adult life. 


Each day, I’m looking for a bit of inspiration.  I have found myself delaying some goals due to the unexpectedness and daily responsibilities in life.  I came across this photo of a space entitled “pretty light” and its simplicity, light and structure reminded me of what I think of as my first place.  I am going to set up my front living space as my Inspiration Space.  It already plays home to my piano, a lovely large desk, my art easel and supplies so a wall mount for my violin will be a welcome addition.  There are, of course, items that are less than inspiring such as the baskets of laundry needing to be folded and the bankers boxes that I refuse to stuff back in a closet in honor of project organization.  In those first days of adulthood, there sure was a lot less paper in my life. 

In honor of resurrecting those long lost care free days, my mission (I have no real choice but to accept it) is to go through each of the bankers boxes over the next few days and sort everything into appropriate piles and files.

Photo Repinned from Interior by Emma Stefan

Healthy Eating CAN BE Luxurious

Last night I prepared a new creation, an adaptation of a gratin.  Homemade gnocchi and blanched broccoli topped with a mixture of caramelized onion, sautéed bacon (1 strip total) and béchamel popped into the oven to make a beautiful golden topping.  The recipe did take over an hour to prepare (thanks to being true to caramelized onion creations) but it was worth it.  If you’re an experienced cook, caramelized onions aren’t at all scary and really don’t take a lot of attention as long as you’re not straying too far from the kitchen.

The final product was a great combination of soft potato dumplings, great for you broccoli with a creamy and crispy topping.  I used a single strip of diced bacon (our unhealthful fat contribution) combined with olive oil to caramelize the onions.  When the onions were complete (yes a whole hour later of low simmering to create the wonderfully complex flavor of the caramelized onion), the onions created the base for the béchamel sauce (which sounds so much better than a white sauce).  I used skim milk for the sauce which means it stayed true to healthful cooking night.  A light sprinkle of mozzarella cheese and bread crumbs completed the dish and would form the crispy crust.  This would have been a great dish to make ahead and just pop in the oven before serving.   And the added bonus is that it's another recipe for me to use up the 10 pound bag of potatoes I bought.

 I’ll definitely take pictures next time.  I’m definitely repeating the recipe more family and friends soon.


Monday, October 29, 2012

Dieting Today-What my skin might be telling me.

For those of you whom don’t know, I have had a skin condition (psoriasis) with which I have battled for many years.  I have been spoiled for the last six years with medication that did a wonderful job of controlling outbreaks.  It was yeah to swimsuits, sundresses and all manner of skin exposure.  Unfortunately this last year, it has been “Hello to covering up” even when it’s hot hot hot.  As a result, I have returned to some diet changes that might help and I was happy to find some studies (although limited) that focused on dietary management of psoriasis.  I will not take Slippery Elm until I learn what it actually might do to me but as for the rest, the recommendations were for a very healthful diet which I’m up for sticking to.  I was on dietary sabbatical during this weekend’s Halloween party but other than that, things are going well.  I’m getting creative in the kitchen and the challenge of eating out was actually quite fun for me as it makes it easier for me to advise clients.  Bottom line is that it is a practical way in which to translate science into practice.  I even revived an old favorite of steamed artichokes which was my dinner last night along with baked salmon which is full of those omega 3 fatty acids that are great all around health boosters.  I have included the full text article below which I’m using for a little independent study.  I fully embrace some aspects but others carry some suspicion.  What I will never doubt is the use of food as medicine.  If you think diet has no effect, try tackling your usual workout after some taquitos versus following a healthful meal.



So this weekend, it was more of my super green smoothies which I have been using for a couple of weeks and fit well within the plan.  I had some organic eggs with lean turkey sausage and mushrooms for one lunch.  Whole grain breads are in so I even bought a new cereal to try which provides a whopping six grams of fiber per portion.  I’m not sure what my decision will be on Halloween when we are making homemade pizzas.  Will I or won’t I skip the red sauce?  Tomatoes are a no food on the plan.

I’ll keep everyone posted on what meals I’m trying.

Monday, October 22, 2012

A Glimpse

I have had a busy day at work, lunch included getting my bike roadworthy again and an interview in the afternoon.  I was interviewed today by a freelance journalist, Emily VanCleve, on the topic of vegetarian and vegan nutrition.  As I mentioned to a colleague today, interviews keep a person on their toes.  Here is to hoping the radicals don’t start calling me with their opinions on how I’m killing people with meat since they took offense to the fact that vegan diets can be just as unhealthy as non-vegan diets.  I have a friend trying a vegan eating plan and I'm considering another round of vegan eating.  Although, the office has requested that I NEVER AGAIN bring brussels sprouts to work.  Eating vegan can be a great plan but it definitely takes planning and thoughtful effort to make it a source for optimal nutrition.  I had a lean turkey brat today so obviously today will not be the start of vegan eating.  The key nutrients of concern with vegan eating include vitamin D, calcium, vitamin B12 and iron.  I am pretty excited to try out a 28 day vegan eating plan.  My super green smoothies will definitely be on the to keep list. Last time I tried vegan eating, I had horrible cravings at night so I might just try vegetarian with eggs and dairy in small amounts.  Either way, I'm going to do a detailed analysis to see how I do with key nutrients.  Wish me luck!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Yummy Potato Skins

I developed this recipe in response to the bargain $.99 bag of potatoes, hunger and an unwillingness to derail my healthful eating plan.
I have made this recipe a couple of times (after posting the recipe, I just had to have more) and while I keep the goat cheese consistent, I have changed the types of cheddar as well as using Sambal Oelek in place of the Hatch Green Chili.  It still tasted wonderful and I always have a few slices left since it's completely satisfying.


Potato Skins
1 Large Potato (~ 6 " potato and < 1/2 lb in weight), scrubbed and sliced ~ 1/4 of an inch thick
1/4 cup Cheddar Cheese
1-2 Hot Green Chilis, Diced
2 tbs Goat Cheese (not Feta Style, choose soft it helps hold everything together)
1/2 cup Bell Pepper, Diced
1/2 cup Onion, Diced

Diping Sauce
1/2 cup Plain Yogurt
1-2 Teaspoons Packaged Taco Seasoning

1)  Preheat oven to 400° F. While oven preheats, prepare ingredients.
2) Spray a baking sheet with non-stick cooking spray and place a single layer of potato slices on the baking sheet.  Spray the potato slices with non-stick cooking spray.  Spinkle with pepper and salt if desired.  Place potatoes in preheated oven for 20 minutes and then flip the potatoes to continue cooking for 10 more minutes.  While potatoes are cooking, mix the remaining ingredients.  The goat cheese will help the remaining ingredients hold together.
3)  The potatoes have now cooked for 30 minutes, top the potato slices with the cheese mixture.  Most slices will take about 1-2 tablespoons of the topping.  Return to oven and continue cooking for 10 minutes. I serve them with 1/2 cup of plain yogurt flavored with 1-2 Tablespoons of packaged taco seasoning for a great way to get in some more dairy.  Tabasco sauce welcomed.
4)  Enjoy

Good Days Behind and Ahead

It's been several days and I'm now a total fan of the super green smoothies but I modify mine to focus on what my body needs and I haven't been able to just follow some of the recipes that abound on-line.  The smoothies really have helped curb my night time cravings and are super tasty.  I bought the organic baby spinach from Sam's club so that means I have the rest of the week to use up the big container of spinach so the main ingredient for the smoothie is safely secured.  I even resisted a regularly sweetened large fizzy drink that was delivered to my desk today.  The flavor was my favorite so it prompted a moment of -why, why, why, why - and then I was able to move on and drink my water. 

Strategies for Success
1)  Planning ahead-  I've had a meal plan that takes my changing day to day schedule into account.  I packed my gym back to make getting to the gym after my workday less of a chore as there isn't an opportunity to stop at home and become distracted by the household.  I packed a few dates as a post workout snack so that I was neither shaky after my 1000 meter swim nor was I tempted to pick up "junk food" after my swim.
2)  Just Do It- I have spent a great deal of time discussing motivation with clients.  The best intentions can fall apart in the face of day to day realities.  Motivation may be the difference between thinking about making changes and actually making those changes in the form of a healthful diet and physical activity. 
3) Accountability-I'm checking in with several friends on keeping to these changes. 

Notice that knowledge isn't the barrier that throws me off track.    I am very happy to report that just a few strategies are really getting me motivated and helping me guide clients and families in the recent months.  My dog will definitely appreciate that he's getting some good physical activity as well.  He's gotten a bit chunky through no fault of his own.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Eating for Skin Health

I am approximately six (6) weeks into a hiatus from medications so the suffering is truly in full swing. The benefit of taking this time away is that I have already gotten back to some basics such as oatmeal baths which I enjoy yet don’t do often enough (I've done one or two oatmeal baths a day thanks to the long weekend allotting me some extra time).  I have also incorporated a green smoothie to start and end my day which is part of increasing anti-inflammatory foods in my daily diet.  I have experimented with a few different smoothies and oddly enough, the worst looking smoothie (the one I created this evening) was the best one yet. 


In my quest for meal ideas, it was impossible not to notice the degree of misinformation available on line regarding nutrition.  Some of the information is benign but other information just seems to be preying on individuals who are probably just trying to make better choices. 


Great Ideas I’ve Found On-Line

Workout Variations

Using Smoothies to Increase Vegetables (I got this from some dietetic interns but I’ve also seen it on line a great deal.)

Overnight Oatmeal



Any single food touted as a “cure” to all that ails you

Coconut “Oil”-seriously, are we still obsessed with this saturated fat?  Don’t get me wrong, I love coconut but I know it’s not going to get me fit and trim.

Weight Loss Water – all the claims that detox waters are going to change your life.  If they get you to eat less, they will lead to some weight loss but that didn’t’ occur “magically”.


It’s no wonder people are so confused and struggle to make reasonable choices.  As for myself, I believe in a whole foods diet.  I like to know what I’m eating by using wholesome ingredients prepared in my home in a mostly healthful way.  This leaves room for my food splurges in the form of wine tastings and eating out.  This weekend that meant the St Clair Wine Festival and the Luna Rossa for a wood fired Verdure Pizza.


So if it sounds too good to be true, do your research.




Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Healthy Dinner Club-Weekly Event

A small gathering has been occurring in my home ever since my luxurious week off from work – it is Healthy Dinner Night.  So my love for entertaining has melded with my love for nutrition.  I gather meal ideas from various sources.  Last week I turned a high calorie comfort food meat loaf into a lean entrée by using lean ground turkey and vegetables to add flavor.  Packaged gravy (I have yet to experiment with some homemade dry mixes but that will come soon.), “caramelized” onions and healthier whipped potatoes rounded out the meal.  A mixed green salad has been a staple to our dinners for the extra vegetables.  Last week we had the additional item of a dessert which isn’t our normal course but was very welcome.  The truly dedicated to the healthful lifestyle changes opted to skip on the whipped potatoes in order to enjoy a dessert.  These evenings are about enjoying a healthful meal by trying some new healthful recipes, updating household favorites to be more nutritious and practicing portion control with all our foods.  As an old hat at practicing portion control, it’s definitely easier to enjoy abundance when the meal is healthful as the ingredients lend themselves to providing a more satisfying meal.

 Today's culinary treat is a Carrot Ginger Soup as it is something that will sit well before my evening workout.  A mixed green salad topped with homemade egg salad and a glass of milk will serve as my post-workout meal.  I'm already feeling the calorie burn from the anticipated run tonight.

Tomorrow, I will be trying a new recipe that I found on Pinterest- Sweet and Spicy Salmon Kabobs with a chickpea salad recipe from Cooking Light.  The fresh herbs from the garden have not only made this meal economical (saving the $ splurge for the salmon purchase) but also provide improved flavors. 



Sweet and Spicy Salmon Kabobs

Chickpea and Olive Salad

Mixed Green Salad

Wine (Optional)

Mission skinny gourmand is going excellently well on all fronts.  I finally feel over the virus that accompanied me from Las Vegas so it’s day two of resuming physical activity. 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Why Skip? Working Out is the Thing to Do!

Studies have shown that moderate levels of physical activity can alleviate mild to moderate levels of depression. Even with squeezing in a workout into my day yesterday, I could feel the difference.  Yesterday was a day of nausea, headaches and a back to back schedule that started before 8 am and would last beyond 10 in the evening.  So there was that brief time while I was sweating away on the elliptical that I felt pretty good considering what I was battling.  I’ve heard the reports that it’s better to rest than exercise at times.  I am a firm believer in giving my body rest when it needs it but yesterday was a day when my body obviously needed the physical exertion more than a nap.  When I start my day with a great workout, everything feels better. 


My Benefits from Physical Activity

More Energy

Positive Body Image

Positive Outlook

Weight Loss

Improved Strength, Balance and Flexibility

Better Quality of Sleep


So as more travel plans approach and I will be working on making healthful food choices while away from home, I have the next few days to log in as many workouts as I can manage.  I’m looking forward to reporting back on the opportunities for healthful eating during travel.

Monday, September 10, 2012


I am surrounded by what has been declared enemy number one - carbs. And even though I'm surrounded by friends whom have sworn off bread, I simply refuse. I am not physically or psychologically satisfied by a meal without some form of carbohydrate. Carbohydrates fuel my workouts. I've tried some modifications with increasing protein and decreasing carbs to the detriment of my performance so I'm standing firm- I won't give these up. With that in mind, I do focus on the healthier choices such as unsweetened fruits, whole grains, legumes/beans and unprocessed foods. It's become very important to me that my meals are beautifully presented to appeal to feeding my soul as much as appealing to my health goals.

This week -

Turkey Green Chili Stew with Beans and a side of Corn Tortillas (I use the Las Cruces brand which are thinner than some other brands)

Fish Tacos (baked shells) with tomatillo salsa, Spinach Salad

Baked Chicken, Homemade Mashed Potatoes, and Mushrooms with Gravy (the gravy is loaded with more mushrooms than gravy and makes a great way to top the potatoes)

Next Week

Carrot Ginger Soup topped with Spicy Scallops and a side of Spinach Salad with Fresh Berries

Spring Rolls with Salmon and a side salad of Carrot Cucumber Sesame Salad

I'm already looking forward to the beautiful plates ahead.

Scarrrrrry Deadlines - Halloween Approaches

Weight competition deadline looms. I have six (6) weeks until the final weigh-in to make a difference. Social activities are dominating my schedule and derailing my well laid plans. Today's focus is planning ahead for those activities. Today, I will be squeezing in my 500 kcal workout into my day. A full workday is followed by a neighborhood meeting and then a social activity. Instead of giving up on my workout (nausea and a headache kept me from completing a morning workout), I'm getting to the gym immediately after my 3 pm meeting but before my 5:30 commitment.


What it took to make this work?

1) I packed up a change of clothes, water, gym ID to take with me to work.

2) I took a snack (carrot juice) to drink while at my meeting so that I could fuel my workout.

3) I have leftovers at home ready for a quick dinner before my evening commitments. This ensures that I don't counteract my workout with unhealthful eating.


My gym is located closer to the location of my afternoon meeting so having my gym pack ready means that I’m not wasting time driving when I could be exercising.  This has the added advantage that I will be exercising during the busiest driving times in my neighborhood.  Avoiding rush hour traffic is a stress reduction activity all on its own.  The carrot juice (giving half the calories of fruit juices but satisfyingly sweet) means I’m not digesting solids when I’m ready to get going on my workout.  The biggest accomplishment today was not ordering a deliciously calorie laden beverage during our coffee run at the office.  Most chain coffee houses provide their nutrition facts which help us all make better choices when away from home.  I’ll definitely be tested this evening at the theater – I’m hoping that the popcorn smells awful to help with my resistance.  Either way, I’ll be filling up on water flavored with ginger and lemon.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Someone Put SPINACH in my Smoothie!

I have several nutrition student, dietetic interns and clients who will all be so very proud that there was spinach in my smoothie this morning.  The reason for there being spinach was quite simple - smoothie was my breakfast plan and yesturday I purchased a large container of organic spinach.  Verdict - not bad.


1 cup Whole Strawberries
3/4 cup Unsweetened Almond Milk
6 fl oz Homemade Yogurt
1 cup Fresh Spinach

I threw everything into my Vitamix and minutes later, breakast was ready to enjoy.  I served it over ice as I had been forwarned that the spinach would not be as pleasant if the beverage was warm or not consumed fairly quickly.  Truth be told, I couldn't taste the spinach so my hesitation while drinking it was mostly psychological.  This recipe now represents one more way for me to get more vegetables into my day.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Happy Labor Day

Labor day - while more representative of idle than labor- has been a wonderful day from a culinary standpoint. First, I was thrilled at the sale on potatoes as it inspired the day's culinary recreation. For less than $1, I have made a pot of Potage Parmentier (a glorious name which means Leek or Onion and Potato Soup). Potatoes were on sale for less than a dollar for 10 pounds. Chicken quarters were also on sale for less than $.40 per pound. So lunch was comprised of a luxurious potato soup topped with fresh chives from the garden and roasted chicken. I was amazed at how something so simple could taste so wonderful and it was a prime example of taking advantage of sales to inspire new recipes for the home. The main trade off was time - the selected recipe was low calorie (less than 200 calories for a generous serving topped with roasted chicken), economical and full of great flavor but it did take almost an hour to prepare from start to finish. While there was only about 10-15 minutes of hands on time, the aroma's gracing my kitchen for the 45-55 minutes of chicken quarters baking and soup simmering prompted a low growl from my stomach.

I waited for the final results and let me tell you that it was completely worth the wait.

Pictured above are the results of today's shopping trip. I had a few splurges such as the extra firm organic tofu, organic fresh baby spinach and bok choy. The splurges were balanced by the cost savings on the chicken, potatoes, onions and garden harvested goodies. This recipe will definitely make it into my low cost meal collection as well as the Skinny Gourmand meal plan.


Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Healthful Dinner Club

It was a great night for the healthful dinner club.


Green Chili Chicken Enchiladas


Water and Assorted Drink Options

This was our second weekly dinner night. Unlike many gatherings that include food, this evening is geared towards awakening the palate with foods that are good for us both in terms of nutrition as well as flavor.

Rules for Healthful Meal Preparation:

1) Start with portion control

2) Make your favorite recipes more healthful

3) Enjoy your meals

I'm not the biggest fan of following recipes but recipes are a great tool for beginning cooks. My strategy is to control the ingredients being utilized from the onset of meal preparation. For example, if the meal is intended for 4 servings (be that for 4 people or for 2 people with 2 servings planned as leftovers) I make sure that the amount of protein being added stays within recommended portions. So if a palm sized portion is recommended per person, which equals 1 pound of protein for the meal when serving 4 portions. When you start with portion control, you will have an easier time controlling your portions when meal time arrives.

For myself, I have some no fail meals that I love to prepare. It's chili harvesting time here in New Mexico thus the Green Chili Chicken Enchiladas. Enchiladas are notoriously high in fat due to the frying of the tortillas, the high fat cheese in large portions and the possible smothering of sour cream and/or cream soups used in the preparation. The changes that made this dish a healthful meal included, not frying the tortilla, no cream soups added (traditional enchiladas don’t' have the cream soups so this made the dish more authentic) and lean chicken used as the protein. I topped the enchiladas with mozzarella cheese so as to get the best advantage of the cheese flavor.

The company meant a divided focus on eating and conversation. I slow down my eating when in good company so this is a great strategy for me. Some people eat more with company so you have to know yourself and what environments trigger overeating for you.

I am looking forward to many more healthful recipes, all of which are making it into the Healthful Dinner Club Recipe Collection. Next week, I'm trying out a Chickpea salad with Provencal Herbs and Olives which I discovered on Cooking Light's web site as a side dish. The main entree will be my own recipe for Ginger Beef Sticks. Stay tuned for more ideas for making healthful eating a true culinary experience. I loved the name the Skinny Gourmet but that was taken. If you have some other ideas for our theme meals, let me know.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

If your dog is fat, you’re not getting enough exercise. - Anonymous

It's an exciting time. Yesterday ended on a great note. Not only was it a day filled with successful measurements (meaning clients completely on track with targets such as blood glucose and weight goals) but it was an evening with productivity on my part. Everyone faces hurdles with weight loss. While advertisements that promise seaming-less easy success to draw in customers, the reality is far from glorious. The National Institutes of Health has identified attitudinal factors regarding physical activity that are associated with adopting an active lifestyle:

· Perceives a net benefit

· Chooses an enjoyable activity

· Feels safe doing the activity

· Can easily access the activity on a regular basis

· Can fit the activity into the daily schedule

· Feels that the activity does not generate financial or social costs that he/she is unwilling to bear

· Experiences a minimum of negative consequences such as injury, loss of time, negative peer pressure, and problems with self-identity

· Is able to successfully address issues of competing time demands

· Recognizes the need to balance the use of labor-saving devices (eg lawn mower, automobile) and sedentary activities (eg watching TV, using computer) with activities that involved a higher level of physical exertion

Today, it’s all about the perceived benefit.  Being physically active exemplifies being healthy at any size.  Regardless of weight, individuals with similar health profiles, a person who has adopted and maintained a physically active lifestyle will be healthier than someone who is sedentary.  Weight loss isn’t easily attained without the adoption of a healthful diet.  Physical activity is beneficial far beyond weight benefits due to its relationship with chronic disease risks. 

Perceived benefit is an individual concept.  We go to work – perhaps for a combination of career fulfillment as well as financial security – for some perceived benefit.  We can view physical activity in the same light.  Being physically active can result in improved body image, self-esteem, higher energy level, sports performance, socialization and other factors that may or may not have a measurement.  I have a strategy of scheduling my physical activity and I also have “exercise dates” with friends.  So when self-motivation and discipline fail me, I know that I have guaranteed at least a few good workouts each week.  Just last week, my friend refused to allow me to skip strength training my legs.  This morning, my dog was my exercise buddy.  Although, at the point when I got into a rhythm with my jog, he bailed on me and decided to wait for me at the start of the path rather than continue on with me.  Even our four legged friends have their bad days.


Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Healthful Eating

This is another example of healthful food being fun for the taste buds.
Firstly, It's been much too long and part of my absence was due to many things that only the Geek Squad could resolve for me.  I had an entire week off from work (from my regular job that is) during which time I really took time to take care of myself and do a little soul searching.

I am certain of one thing, that I have been neglecting my body to a degree that I never thought possible.  Too many days and nights of eating out and missing exercise routines.  These last couple weeks were great for focusing on more home cooked meals and I actually added strength training to my routine which is a huge accomplishment.  In the spirit of health focused changes, this week was our first healthful cooking night.  It's a once a week opportunity to check in with friends on healthful life changes (we each have individual goals).  It's also a source for healthful meal ideas.  Last night's menu:  chicken fajitas with corn tortillas and wine spritzers.  I've lost 3 pounds to date and it was a great motivator for me.  I even resisted some evening stress eating last night.  My strategy was to make sure I eat all my planned dinner.  My tendency to go smaller with my dinner sometimes results in a justification to open the floodgates to nighttime snacking.  The solution has been to have my planned dinner (no skimping) and then have a planned snack.  I just bought a box of the Swim Miss Frozen Fudge Bars that are less calories than some of my other snack options but are great for this hot southwestern weather.  So there are another eight weeks left on our current health challenge and things are definitely looking up.

Monday, July 9, 2012


It’s difficult to stay motivated at times. Currently my motivation is lagging which gives credence to the reality that knowledge isn’t the primary factor in maintaining a healthful lifestyle with adequate physical activity and healthful nutrition. My strength lies in finding ways to overcome “obstacles” – such as the weather, time, motivation, energy, boredom, etc…

It’s hot outside so I’ll be bonding with my treadmill this evening. It’s more than just making the decision to resume my higher level of activity that will having me hopping on today. I decided that I needed a goal to train for in order to stay focused. So for me it will either be training for a half marathon or finding out what all these adventure races are all about. The strategy of keeping the end goal in mind helps to maintain those daily lifestyle changes. You shouldn’t attempt to run a marathon without training appropriately.

Goal: Complete a half marathon in less than two hours by October 2012.

Actions: Plan for the next four weeks is to complete 45-60 minutes or moderate to high intense cardiovascular activity daily and 15 minutes of strength training five days per week.

Actions: After one month of initial activity training, complete a timed half marathon.
Reward: Schedule a spa day if each action step is completed to include manicure, pedicure and a massage.

I am still working on recruiting some exercise budies but in the meantime, I will have to trudge on indepedently in order to meet my goal.  I am definitely excited about the upcoming month.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Days of Independence- Time

I enjoyed a free day yesterday in honor of our nation’s independence.  So here comes the question I will be asking those whom shared the free day – “Did you work out?”.  By work out – I mean did you engage in physical activity, exercise, hike, and bike or do any type of physical movement that contributes to overall health.  Not surprisingly, the answer is usually are resounding NO.  This brings me to priorities.  Time is the most often touted reasoning for not engaging in physical activity.  So here was an 8-10 hour grace time for many people that removed the commitment of work, transporting children and the other many activities that fill our days.  There was a day when many of us were independent or free of the usual daily commitments.  If you didn’t choose to be physically active then maybe changing our frame of reference is called for at this time.  Why? Because if we had time but chose not to be physically active then time isn’t a reason it’s an imagined barrier at best and an excuse at worst.  We each have the same amount of time to address our own priorities; the issue is deciding those priorities and making a plan. 

Overcoming Barriers
1)     Chose a time for your physical activity that maximizing success.
2)     Be consistent.
3)     Have a support system.
Choosing a time
Time set aside for being physically active should be treated like an appointment.  For example, if your dental appointment is at 11:30 am- you wouldn’t decide that morning that you will just go after work instead.  If you missed the appointment, it could be 3-6 months before you could get another appointment.   When dealing with choosing a time, you want to be realistic.  Don’t choose a time that isn’t within your control.  For example, if you have family waiting for you to prepare dinner after work, it might not work to plan your activity after work.  I am a fan of starting my day with physical activity.  When you start your day with physical activity, it means that even if the day gets away from me or other priorities arise through the course of the day, I know that I have already accomplished my physical activity.  My mornings are the time that is mostly within my control and not at the mercy of others.  So choose a time that is practical for your lifestyle but that also increases your ability to be successful at being physically active.
Be Consistent
Once you’ve choosen a time, be consistent.  Don’t change the plan daily.  Try a routine for a set amount of time in order to make physical activity a part of your lifestyle.  Avoid the weekend warrior practice of being sedentary during the week and then going all out during your weekend.  So if you decide to go ride your bike after work each day for 30 minutes, do this according to your plan.
Have a Support System
This isn’t a baby sitter, this is a support system.  A support system can be those that you might be active with on a regular basis or it could be a place where you check in on a regular basis.  There are support systems for healthful eating and physical activity.  This could be a health care provider or a formal program in your area or on line.  Support systems can include a variety of individuals that help you stay motivated to meet your goals.  The benefit of having support within your immediate circle is that it means a higher level of interaction.  If your support system helps you experience daily success with lifestyle changes, you can see results that much sooner. 
There are many resources for helping you tailor a physical activity plan in order to make your plan appropriate, safe and effective.  I have included a link below that helps people understand recommendations for various levels of physical activity and the benefits of physical activity.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Today's Creation and Motivation

Today's Creation: 
Grilled Tuna in a Citrus Reduction
Mango Radish Cilantro Salad

I describe motivation as the essential ingredient to making lasting lifestyle changes.  Motivation can mean the difference between the uses of the phrase “I will try” versus “I will do” and ultimately “I have succeeded”.  A strategy for maintaining motivation is engaging your network of relationships to support you in your goals.  This network may be referred to as those nagging folks we encounter regularly.  I have my own nagging network that prompted me to use weights as part of my core strengthening routine yesterday.  Sadly, while happy I did some form of weight training, I’m not feeling the oh so pleasant muscle soreness that lets me know I challenged my body.  So, for me, that’s a telling indicator that it’s time to up the ante. 

So I’m putting thoughts of the disbursement of bacteria via the towels and cleaning solution that have probably been in weekly rotation throughout the gym, and enlisting a JUST DO IT philosophy.  I have spent a lot of time setting goals and making plans and then putting off those good intentions day after day.  So yesterday, I determined that I needed to focus on each moment as an opportunity to make the best choice to support those healthful lifestyle changes, thus the strength training.  Today I will get rid of some of those distractions – the dishes – in order to stay focused.  My focus is those behaviors such as high intensity cardio for 45 minutes each day and strength training for 15 minutes each day – yes – with weights.

Stay posted for the many anticipated creations complements of my new Wustof knives.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

What Today Looks Like

I start rice to cook in the steamer, then get to work onto cutting carrots (julienne style - this not only helps with consistent cooking but it looks great and changes basic sustenance into gastronomy.  I served my portion of wine and cut the carrots with my Wustof cook's knife.  I put the carrots to sauté in a large hot skillet and then added the marinated cubed beef.  I used leftover beef tenderloin from the Father's Day Fondue.  The smell of the beef cooking with the sautéed carrots was pure heaven. I used some wine to deglaze the pan, picking up all the great flavored bits to make a light sauce for the beef and carrots.  The rice cooking time even allowed for me to take a quick shower before dinner.  So in a nutshell, I enjoyed making a home cooked meal that was prepared in less than 30 minutes; the rice cooking time meant that there wasn't really a need to pre-prep the vegetables since the rice cooking time wasn't going to change.  I realize that there are many instant rice options but I enjoy the results of using basic ingredients as well as the flavor and texture that develops as a result of minimally altered foods.  This meal took a few quality ingredients such as beef tenderloin, rice and fresh carrots and the use of good ingredients meant that a delicious meal could be developed with very little time. 

1)      Tomorrow bi-weekly weigh-ins resume and I’m not feeling confident about that process.
2)      I haven’t gotten back into my morning workout routine.
3)      I need to make strength training an integral part of my activity routine.

1)       I got in a great cardiovascular workout after work (making up for sleeping in later than planned)
2)      I prepared dinner at home after resisting the temptation of picking up what would have been a less healthful dinner.
3)      I am motivated.  My refrigerator is definitely reflecting a selection of handy, healthful ingredients from which to create some amazing meals.

(Entry: 149)

Monday, June 11, 2012

Monday Mission

So once again, today is another restart for my plan. Although, the weekend didn't go too badly I am behind on my run training while I have actually done better with other aspects of my plan. Sleeping in today means that my workout needs to take place after work. I have a long history of afternoon workouts gone awry. Sometimes this means that an interrupted mid-afternoon snack leads to such after work hunger that I don’t get to the workout or perhaps the missed or light snack means that I feel faint towards the end of my workout. I have a large apple, yogurt and granola and I have some time between patients to make snack time an enjoyable rather than forced activity. And today’s special tools – my Franklin Covey Health and Fitness Tracker and an index card with today’s workout goals.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Fat Dietitian

Let me start by saying, I hesitate to refer to any person as FAT.  I don't find some terms helpful.  I tend to focus on health indicators overall in how I might explain to an individual what some of the numbers that take place in a nutrition evaluation actually mean.  But fat is a term that is thrown around when poeple talk about dietitians. 

Google –“ Fat Dietitian” and you will get around 6,040,000 results in less than a second. There is definitely a stigma for those in the field of nutrition and dietetics whom are overweight or (God forbid) obese.. Keep in mind that dietetics actually encompasses many career paths that include anything and everything from human nutrition to food sciences. Dietitians may work in the school systems but they may also be chefs and work in food product development. Trust me – there are dietitians on board with developing many worldwide favorites such as America’s favorite cookie. You can even learn about a nutrition professor losing weight on what he termed the “Twinkie diet” based on calorie control. Today at the office, we were discussing the issue of eating disorders among those in the field of nutrition. I can state from personal experience that there are a many methods to reach the same outcomes of improved health. There are even more methods to achieve weight loss. Meaning, weight loss can be attained even with unhealthful practices. Weight is definitely a (ironically) a huge health indicator but it is a single indicator. Meeting weight recommendations does place a person at lower risk of chronic diseases but that doesn’t equate health. So if you want to gauge your number, use the Body Mass Index(BMI) calculator link below. Body Mass Index (BMI) is essentially a calculation of your weight compared to your height. The higher the number, the more you weigh in comparison to how tall you are (or in my case, how tall I am NOT). It’s a good indicator of obesity (which means- are we over fat) but a waist measurement is a cheap alternative to assessing body fat and disease risk if you don’t have the ability to estimate body fat percentage which is a number that is more important than just overall weight. An adult female should have a waist measurement no more than 35 inches; males no more than 40 inches. A waist measurement can be seen as an independent risk factor due to its indication of where your body is storing fat – apple anyone? Greater fat stores around the waist means greater risk of chronic illnesses such as diabetes and heart disease. We didn’t just pull these numbers from the sky, these measurements are based on disease risks.

My Number?  28.9 - which means I am almost 20 pounds overweight and less than 10 pounds from being placed in the obese category.