Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Did YOU feed your child?

Interesting scenario created by a concerned parent this week.  In a culture where many activities revolve around food – such as the pizza party following the buffet lunch or handing out king sized candy bars as a reward for good work in school.  So the comment –
“Since they’ve had enough calories, I don’t have to feed them the rest of the day.” 
This might work fine if it’s already bedtime but imagine a child who has technically met their calorie requirements by breakfast yet still has to get thru the rest of the day.   We can experience hunger even when we have met our calorie needs since hunger is tied to both physiological and psychological triggers.  And “calories” are very different from “nutrition”.  Focusing on a single aspect of the overall diet is often detrimental.   Foods are groups based on the types of nutrients they provide and omitting whole groups of foods can result in nutrient deficiencies.  Vegetables anyone?
Therefore the better question to ponder is whether or not your child has met their nutritional needs?   

Thursday, August 18, 2011

No More Free Pens

NO MORE FREE PENS.  Ok, the practice of getting the "free lunch" from drug representatives has been drastically altered in most states.  This may be why you might have noticed fewer free samples promoting various medications.  Some states have deemed this practice a conflict of interest.  In our state, we have been fortunate to benefit from several treatment programs being supported by drug companies having medication assistance programs for those whom meet income guidelines and in some cases residency guidelines.  Applications go thru the drug company and medications are either managed thru a mail order system going directly to the patient or to the medical “home”.  We are a poor state, we could have used those pens and maybe some calendars but we are not in it for the free goods or for the money. 

The 2-TWO Donuts

Many staff within our office strive to make healthful food choices (activity routines continue to be a hurdle as well).  Some collogues have gone so far as to start triathlons, others have seen dramatic changes thru portion control.  So when a box of Krispy Kreme donuts was delivered to our office it was a special day.  I was among the first to get a glazed donut.  Yes I’m a dietitian but I believe in learning to fit in those less healthful items.  I doubt that I’ll be struck by lightning, but I might stay out of the predicted thunder storms for a while just in case.  I skipped my planned snack and had a lighter lunch to compensate.   This brings me to donut number two which I enjoyed with my afternoon cup of skim milk.  I hear a lot about the senselessness of having “diet” beverages or fat free beverages along side of a sweet such as the donut but I see no problem in making choices as to where you get your fat, sugars or calories.  But my second donut opened a flood gate for many members of the team.  If the dietitian gets a second donut, then why shouldn't I get another one?  As a health professional it’s important to remember that we should be role models for the messages we advocate.  When we make good choices, people pay attention.  When we make poor choices, people pay even more attention.  Although, no one wanted to accompany me for my afternoon run - this was the “cost” of that second donut.    

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Why Are YOU Here?

I can honestly say that most people who frequent my practice do not come to me to reveal some mystical secret about their "diets" that has contributed to some chronic illness or decreased their sports performance.  Mostly it's learning how to navigate the course - learning how to apply the overwhelming information and options that are put before us each day.  Today, my day was about working on more techniques to help people understand why their "diet" is important as well as giving them ideas on how to make changes.

Top 10 reasons to talk to a Registered Dietitian