Thursday, November 3, 2011

Walk the Talk

I have several bad habits that I struggle with from time to time.  It feels too cold to swim but that’s the best form of activity while my foot heels.  I have some nights of poor sleep so I sleep late instead of getting in my morning workout.  It’s been going on for a couple of weeks.  The result of not putting physical activity and healthful eating as a top priority is that I am less happy, less energetic and yes at times just cranky and irritable.   Making healthful choices isn’t always about knowledge sometimes it comes down to addressing barriers.  Individuals who complete their physical activity in the morning are less likely to skip their exercise.  Having a clear plan (be it a weekly focus or training for a specific activity) increases success. 
A goal without a plan is just a wish.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery
French writer (1900 - 1944)
SMART is a handy tool for setting your goal.

I can’t imagine a life where I’m only working on one goal because there is just too much to experience and accomplish but my focus for the next few weeks will revolve around goals associated with my physical health.  So why would I - as a dietitian-  focus on a physical activity goal?  Because when I am meeting my activity goals, I get fewer cravings at night and temptation foods are less tempting when there is an electronic screen telling you that your workout burned a whopping calorie equivalent to a few Fig Newtons.  So activity goal starts today and tomorrow, I’ll reaffirm my ongoing nutrition plan.  Check back if you’re interested in ideas for daily meals and snacks.
I will be physically active for at least 45-60 minutes each day in the morning before work in order to resume biweekly runs at a pace of 6 miles per hour before the New Year.

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