Thursday, February 12, 2015

What's Planned for 2015

I’ll leave the magic bullet, ultra secret solutions to others because one thing I know with certainty is that there is not "1", there is no "magic", and it's really about each person finding a balance of strategies that work for them.  This year Nutrition for Better Health will focus on some great things.  

1.     Successful Lifestyle Management
2.     Eating Healthful Indulgent Meals Within a Budget
3.     Current Events and Legislative Activities Related To Nutrition
4.     Feeding Your Soul
5.     Tri Life – Triathlon Living

 Successful Lifestyle Management
It’s been a long road getting here but I am enjoying life in Santa Fe.  Finding a balance between competing demands in an ongoing endeavor.  Life- work, family, education, self – is full and while I live in an area of laid back life philosophy, I struggle to find that ideal balance that will allow success in so many areas of life to be accomplished.  Successful lifestyle management is about working on those priorities.  Living in a foodie’s dream city, I have to add the ability to indulge in great food while working within my budget. 

Eating Healthful Indulgent Meals within a Budget
A recently planned romantic weekend went amazingly well but my frugal minded guy was not impressed with the $86 tap that accompanied a meal of shared appetizer, entree, and dessert.  While I live in a foodie’s paradise, the price tag is often steep.  Meals should nourish our bodies and feed our souls.  I have received many ideas for recipes during my meals away from home but being mindful of our budget forces my household to be creative when cooking at home.  Nutrition for Better Health will be presenting many ideas for date nights, celebrations, and seasonal meal ideas to appeal to most.

Legislative Activities
While this is often a cyclical area of nutrition, Nutrition for Better Health seeks to inform consumers on legislation beyond the Farm Bill related to nutrition.  This is also an area where responses and information to current events may be found.

Feeding Your Soul
Because emotional eating is difficult to conquer and our food choices are reflective of much more than making food choices based on nutrient needs, Nutrition for Better Health accepts that there will be days and nights where a few pieces of high quality chocolate and a glass of wine may feed us more than an unlimited buffet. 

Tri Life- Triathlon Living
Triathlons have reentered my life and it’s a great way to get into great physical shape when combined with healthful eating.  Tri life encompasses more than swim, bike, run.  Tri life is about comprehensive fitness.  Perhaps the Retro Rio Grande Triathlon conflicts with my doctoral coursework schedule but the Santa Fe Century works out well with the schedule.  There are so many ways to get in that cardio and scheduled events may add motivation.   

Check in weekly for postings and feel free to send suggestions and questions.  I’m looking forward to an informative year.